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It is a sorta-funny idea, but you just aren't interested. There are plenty of other Go-Tel hosts in this area so you don't feel all that guilty.

You ponder that for a moment and try to remember the last time you really felt anything. You can recall feeling annoyed occasionally... like when the phone's battery was going dead and you didn't have a charger with you... or when your new neighbor is outside when you make your way in or out (she always insists on making small talk even though you very clearly dislike it)... minor things.

In fact, as you get closer to your house you can see that your neighbor is out in her yard right now with her dachshund. You can tell that she has already spotted you, so there's no avoiding it: you'll have to either be rude and hurry past, or deal with the annoyance and interact with another human.

Make with the smalltalk

Run away